Who we are

We strive to achieve our partner’s development goals with top-tier, reliable talent.


Exabyting specializes in technical staff augmentation and custom software development. We help organizations innovate business operations and fill the skill gaps by providing them with self-motivated, adaptable talent per their unique IT needs.

If you’re a business owner, you probably know how challenging and costly it is to recruit staff regularly. And with technology advancing rapidly, it becomes even more difficult to find tech-savvy professionals who can meet your unique IT demands.

Exabyting is going to change that. We maximize your productivity while minimizing operational costs by delivering best-in-class talent across web, app, software, and DevOps industries. Our mission is to help you keep up with the digital transformation needed to thrive in today’s competitive world.

Engagement model

We offer not one but three different engagement models to suit your product and needs

Team Extension

Extend your team with hand-vetted talent who are passionate, creative thinkers who are unafraid to challenge conventional thinking. We bring the right people with the right skill set to you, ensuring efficiency and cost savings.


Our prototyping service allows you to understand the product flow from your consumer's eyes, allowing you to see and remove any flow errors before spending a cent on development.


We take 100% ownership of product development, from requirement analysis to release.

Our Values

Exabyting thrives at the intersection of compassion, transparency, and credibility. Making your business successful is more than a job – –it’s a commitment.


A lack of transparency results in distrust. We never hide anything from our partners and openly share all the information and processes to forge long partnerships.


Compassion isn’t just about being friendly with others; it’s about fighting battles together. Our professionals are genuinely concerned about your problems and work on your projects as if they are working independently.

Impact Oriented

We measure our success based on the impact we produce. It doesn’t matter how hard we’ve worked; if you don’t get your desired results, you don’t owe us anything. Period.


Our can-do approach allows us to adapt to the ever-evolving tech landscape effortlessly. We embrace new challenges with open arms and feel confident in the face of change.


Teamwork & Collaboration

Our collaborative environment is essential for fostering creativity and developing big-brain ideas that achieve results. In addition, our approach ensures that individual employees can share their expertise to develop creative solutions.

Get to know some of our talents here.

Shahriar Mohammad

Shahriar Mohammad

Lead Software Engineer
8+ years of excellence
Software Architecture
Experienced with software development and technical leadership. Worked on in-house products and client’s products. Managed client’s projects from European region and successfully delivered products. Supervised multiple teams for next level growth.

Towfiqur Rahman

Lead Product Designer
8+ years of excellence
Visionary Senior Product Designer with 8+ years of experience and expertise working with cross-cultural global teams. Managed European and USA-based clients for years to deliver the best product experiences that scale, bring delight to users, and boost the business.
Tahasin Ali

Tahasin Ali

Lead Product Manager
7+ years of excellence
Product Strategy
Product Road Mapping

A proactive and organised professional who has a track record of successfully demonstrating leadership experience across a range of Key Account Management and Product Management roles. Key interest area is in owning product lifecycle from initial concept to delivery.