Case Study

Easing processes and saving time for end-users




About Aladin

Aladin is a tool designed by Exabyting to help companies automate employee attendance and streamline leave management. Aladin tracks employees’ check-in and check-out times on each working day and is fully compatible with the remote work environment and is fully compatible with the remote work environment. It also has a cutting-edge system where employees can apply for leaves from their relevant supervisor and get approval in minutes.

Industry Challenges

With the advent of Covid-19, businesses shifted to a remote working model to get things done. However, keeping track of employees’ check-in and check-out times when working remotely was challenging. Similarly, businesses also had to cope with low productivity levels as there was no system to manage leaves and approvals.

Development Challenges

  • Our partner had too many areas to focus on, and allocating resources specifically for this product was challenging.
  • They needed to be made aware of the exact size of the project, and we had to conduct several meetings to finalize the timeline and scope.
  • We were expected to deliver everything fast and under the given financial resources.

Our Solution

  • Our engineers grasped the gravity of the challenge and started developing a tool that could help businesses improve productivity by effortlessly managing employee attendance and leaves.
  • Aladin helped manage employee attendance and enabled the workers to apply for the leaves without a hassle in just minutes.
  • We opted for resourceful ways that could help our partners reduce cost and complexity.
  • With Aladin, companies can now control remote employee attendance and leaves.
  • And it’s just the beginning. Our engineers continuously work on adding new functionalities/features to the product based on evolving challenges. As a result, the product will have increased effectiveness in the days to come.

Technologies Used:

Spring Boot
Digital Ocean
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